A misrepresentation is a false statement of fact that induces another to act to their detriment. There are three types of misrepresentations that give rise to civil claims: innocent misrepresentation,…... [ READ MORE ]
Breach of fiduciary duty is a broad concept that covers many different types of business relationships. Once a fiduciary relationship is established, an Arlington business attorney emphasizes that the fiduciary…... [ READ MORE ]
Many businesses make non-competition agreements a standard part of their employment agreements. A knowledgeable Fairfax business lawyer can assist with the drafting and interpretation of these agreements and advise you about potential…... [ READ MORE ]
Starting a business comes with major decisions. A Fairfax business lawyer can review your business plan and help you decide the best way to structure your company to meet your…... [ READ MORE ]
When doing business, it is best to put everything in writing – no matter how seemingly insignificant. Too often, once-amicable business associates wind up litigating matters that were either not…... [ READ MORE ]